

BIBLIOGRAPHY (Courtesy of Japanese Peruvian Oral History Project)

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Pawns in a Triangle of Hate: The Peruvian Japanese and the United States
Gardiner, C. Harvey
U. of Washington Press. Seattle & London. 1981.

Best researched resource available. Since Gardiner is trilingual, he was able to do research in archives in US and Peru. His work is the basis for all other books on JPs.

Quiet Passages: The Exchange of Civilians Between the United States and Japan During the Second World War
Corbett, P. Scott
Kent State U. Press. Kent, Ohio. 1987

Good resource in the history of the exchange program, with a chapter on the JLA experience.

Years of Infamy
Weglyn, Michi
WM Morrow & Co., New York, 1976

One of the most significant resources on JA internment. First JA publication to expose JLA wartime experience.

Personal Justice Denied – Report of Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians
Bernstein, Joan Z. (chair)
“Latin Americans.” Civil Liberties Public Education Fund & U. Report based on Commission hearings and basis for Civil Liberties Act. Contains materials on JLA internment experience.

Adios to Tears
Higashide, Seiichi.
University of Washington Press. Seattle. 2000 (1993). Moving and insightful autography of former JP internee. This second edition of the English version includes a forward by C. Harvey Gardiner, a new preface by Elsa H. Kudo and epilogue by Julie Small. Japanese version is in 2nd edition (published in 1995) and is more detailed, with expanded section on redress.

Crystal City Internment Camp – 50th Anniversary Album, Monterey, California, 7/94. Best compilation of resources concerning Crystal City Internment Camp, including JP family stories.

A Fence Away From Freedom
Levine, Ellen
G.P. Putnam’s Sons. New York, 1995.
Very good collection of remembrance of JA and JP, who were children or youth at the time of internment. Highlights little known stories of JP, draft resisters, repatriates.

The Japanese in Latin America
Masterson, Daniel M. with Sayaka Funada-Classen
University of Illinois Press. Champaign. 2004.
First comprehensive study of the patterns of Japanese migration on the continent as a whole. Focuses on Brazil, Mexico and Peru, with a chapter on WWII internment, redress and postwar dekasegi.

Justice Held Hostage: US Disregard For International Law In the WWII Internment of Japanese Peruvians – A Case Study
Saito, Natsu
Boston College Law Review. 12/98. V. XL no.1
Examination of the wartime and redress experience of JLAs from the perspective of international law.


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